Buy a License

Buy a License #

Neo4j SemSpect is a Web App that comes as a plugin for Neo4j server (Enterprise and Community Edition) and requires a SemSpect server license. Downloading and installing the SemSpect plugin is described here.


Neo4j Desktop: Neo4j is phasing out Neo4j Desktop resp. restricts third-party Graph Apps in Neo4j Desktop. Hence, we will not further develop the SemSpect Graph App anymore. There is therefore no longer a SemSpect Desktop Pro license to buy. The free version of the SemSpect Graph App is still available, but will be discontinued shortly.

Neo4j Aura: Because Neo4j do not allow third party plugins in their cloud platform Aura, SemSpect is not natively available for Aura databases. We are currently working on a pure Cypher version of SemSpect that can connect to Aura or any other cloud Neo4j DBMS.

Please note: We provide licenses free of charge for academic and open data projects. Read the conditions here and get in touch with us at

Server License #

The SemSpect Neo4j Server license is a session based (user floating) license where:

  • The SemSpect UI is served by the Neo4j server (the same way Neo4j Browser or Bloom are provided).
  • No client software other than any standard web browser is required.
  • The license key and plugin are installed on the Neo4j server
  • The available SemSpect features are configurable per user and/or role.
  • The pricing is based on the number of DBMSs and number of concurrent sessions.
  • The license is valid for one productive and one development DBMS

Pricing Overview #

The price of the server license depends on the number of concurrent sessions:

Number of concurrent sessions: 1 3 10 unlimited
Price for first instance: 8000 €/year 12000 €/year 18000 €/year Contact us

If none of the standard packages meet your requirements, or if you are planing a bulk order, please contact us at

Limitations of the Free SemSpect Graph App for Neo4j Desktop #

  • No access to remote DBMSs: The Graph App only connects to local DBMS.

  • At most 3 SemSpect labels resp. saved explorations: While SemSpect labels and saved explorations can be deleted or updated any time, users can specify a maximum of 3 SemSpect labels and save a maximum of 3 explorations.

  • No Cypher query access: The display of the Cypher queries (to retrieve the resources of a group or the contents of a table view) is not available.

  • Maximum of 7 groups in an exploration: The total number of groups in an exploration is limited to 7.

  • Data download restriction of 10 entries: The CSV download of data in tabular views is limited to a maximum of 10 entries per request.

  • No exploration graph image download: The PNG and SVG image download of exploration graphs is not available.

About Academic and Open Data Licenses #

By requesting an academic or open data license, you agree that derivo GmbH may mention your project and/or your group as SemSpect user in its marketing activities.

Moreover, a 15 minutes video interview to collect feedback on your usage of the application will be required for a renewal of the initial 6 months license.

Get in touch with us at