Data Privacy

Data Privacy Statement #

RDF SemSpect deployment mode #

This version of SemSpect (also referred to as “the Software”) is a client-server application that consists of a server backend and a client exploration user interface (UI) running in a web browser (the web browser not being part of the Software). In “generation” mode, the server backend reads one or more supplied file(s) and generates an index (a collection of files) that is written to filesystem at a location specified by the user. In “exploration” mode, the server backend loads one or more index(es) from the filesystem and starts a web server to deploy the UI to the user’s web browser.

What data is stored in SemSpect during and after usage? #

Your privacy matters to us. During usage, the Software reads and writes to directory locations the user has provided ( most notably input data resp. indexes). The Software also extracts and stores data contained in the license key for the Software (if provided) during usage, solely for license validation purposes (namely licensee, license scope, expiration date and license ID). After use, data is stored in the Software on the filesystem in user configurable directories as result of the users input related to setting the Software’s preferences or filling name and description fields when saving explorations or user-defined “SemSpect” classes. All this data (also referred to as “User Provided Data”) is technically required to reasonably operate the Software.

Where is this data stored and is there any data exchange? #

Data related to the Software installation and usage is stored on the server and client of the Software. User Provided Data is stored in the local storage of the web browser used as well as in the user configurable directories on the server. The User Provided Data is not protected against accidental loss or unauthorized access. Any person with access to the user configurable directories or the web browser can also access this data. The Software does not exchange, share, or synchronize any User Provided Data with any application outside of the client-server application.

In this respect the Software does not collect or use personal data that are subject to your approval under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

How can I delete any stored data? #

You can remove any User Provided Data from the local storage of a web browser via SemSpect -> Settings -> Reset local data. You can remove User Provided Data from the user configurable directories on the server via SemSpect -> Settings -> Reset graph data.

The user has to be aware that these operations are only possible when the Software is in operation. Copies of the User Provided Data or user configurable directories on the server created by the user or a backup job are not affected by these operations.

Who we are #

The Software is a product of derivo GmbH, Olgastr. 143, 89073 Ulm, Germany. Please contact us with any questions or concerns about privacy at

Version: March 28th, 2024